Judicial Politics in Brazil
Jean Vilbert is a master's candidate (Latin American Studies) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and a lecturer in the UW Department of Political Science. He holds a MIPA and a Master’s in Law and served as a judge in Brazil, where he teaches Constitutional Law.
Works Cited
Brazil, Chamber of Deputies. Constitution of the Federal Republic of Brazil. 3rd Edition, Constitutional text of october 5, 1988, with the alterations introduced by Constitutional amendments no. 1/1992 through 64/2010 and by revision Constitutional amendments no. 1/1994 through 6/1994. 2010. https://www.oas.org/es/sla/ddi/docs/acceso_informacion_base_dc_leyes_pais_b_1_en.pdf
Suprema Tribunal Federal. Supreme Court Rulings in Numbers. https://transparencia.stf.jus.br/extensions/app_processo_covid19/index.html
“The Case of the Brazil Fake News Inquiry.” Global Freedom of Expression, Columbia University, 25 Aug. 2021, https://globalfreedomofexpression.columbia.edu/cases/the-case-of-the-brazil-fake-news-inquiry/
Pooler, Michael. “Pandemic Lays Bare Constitutional Power Struggle in Brazil.” Financial Times, Nikkei Company, 16 May 2021, https://www.ft.com/content/3bc8f805-629d-4223-a051-716204add20e
Savarese, Mauricio. “Brazil's Top Court Allows Copa America despite Virus Worries.” AP NEWS, Associated Press, 11 June 2021, https://apnews.com/article/brazil-soccer-health-coronavirus-pandemic-courts-58f9a5a82a1cf332dbc5a05b68e44993